The God Of 4th Quarter Comebacks?
Labels: believe , christmas , feature , football , Jesus , media , miracle , power , prayer , preacher , spirit , tebowing , 0 comments
This past week there has been a multitude of news stories both online and on major media about Tim Tebow. It hasn’t been just about his achievements on the field lately, but rather most of the articles or broadcasts focused on the fact that he kneels to pray and give thanks to God.
The way Tim kneels down on the sideline has become such a phenomenon that he has been emulated all over the world.
In school hallways, sporting events, on desert sands, and more there have been people who have kneeled down similar to Tim Tebow does in games. Are they giving thanks to God? Mocking? Or is it just a fad or a salute to the man for what he has accomplished lately?
I really do not know.
Let me set the record straight. I am a diehard Denver Broncos fan. I have been since before Elway. I have jerseys, signed trading cards, and random trinkets of the Broncos. In good times or bad I am a fan. So, it doesn’t hurt my feelings that Tebow has played as well as he has. In fact, I am thrilled.
However, this act of ‘Tebowing’ has caught on so much there is an actual website called, People from all over the world have submitted photos of themselves or others kneeling down in the pose.
Good thing? I don’t know. Are they giving glory to God? Not sure.
Tim Tebow does seem to be a good guy. He seems true to his faith, he is involved in charity, he is a good football player and team leader.
And he has done amazing the last several weeks pushing the Denver Broncos to victory in the fourth quarter. In fact, they are behind right now, it is the fourth quarter, and he has just ran in for a touchdown. Will he win again? I am not sure.
Fourth Quarter Again
As I have mentioned, somehow they have been pulling it off in the last moments of the game to win. There have been many images and video posted of Tim kneeling on the sidelines, eyes closed, alone with his thoughts or prayers.
Many have remarked of the miracle of coming from behind and managing to win anyhow. Last week seemed to be a miracle. They won the game in the last few minutes after having been beaten it seemed. And most gave credit to Tebow, but some actually gave credit to God. Yes, that God. They took it upon themselves to say God must have been helping the Broncos win. In the last few moments of the game, somehow God helps us win the victory. Amazing how familiar that sounds?
Most of us treat God the same way, even if we don’t admit it.
Our Fourth Quarter Miracles
We preach it from our pulpits. ‘Hang on, endure, your promise is coming, He will come through!,’ the words have become our anthem. From our music, to our teaching, to our brochures, and our fired up shouting, we proclaim that if we can hang on long enough God will hear us. We just have to keep keeping on.
Ever hear that? Sure you have. We all have if we have any sort of Christian background, let alone apostolic. We have become accustomed to God coming through in the last moments of life, or in meeting our need.
Why does God seem to come through in the last few moments before it is too late? Does He somehow enjoy our stress and pain? Does He not understand what we are going through? I mean how could He allow us to go through so many trials and struggles?
Did He not say, ‘I am the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end. I am God, and there is none beside me. Is anything to hard for God?’ We are talking about the creator of the Universe. The One who is omnipresent, omniscient, all powerful God.
The God of Jericho, the Red Sea, that spoke by fire for Elijah, walked on water, raised Lazarus. That same God, who came to earth as a baby robed in flesh to later die for our sins. Jesus. The I AM. All power in heaven and earth was given unto Him. And He is coming back for us.
That God!
Why does he let us stew in our troubles, let innocents die at the hands of horrible actions, doesn’t He answer our need? Or if He does, why did he wait so long? Is He really the God of the fourth quarter comeback? Just in time? An on-time God?
Yes, He is those things, but we have become so complacent, so disrespectful, so ungrateful, yet we expect Him to come through and drag us out of our problems.
Does He not have the ability to answer and deliver in the beginning? In the middle? To even stop the trial or situation from happening? Yes!
The problem is us!
He wins from the beginning, if we follow His plan. And when He wins, we win! He told us exactly how to win. We just get so caught up in trying to figure it all out. We forget to let Him be in charge at the beginning, or we get so excited at the little successes that we assume it will keep going that way, and we let down on our praise, gratitude, and even think we are the ones doing it. And then we lose.
We preach it from our pulpits how God will answer prayer, and then we try to figure out how he will do it. And when he doesn’t do it our way, our time, our… we give up, whine, murmur, complain, get depressed, and get angry at Him.
The fix is pretty simple really:
If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14
Quit making Him be a come from behind, fourth quarter God. Let Him lead from the beginning, listen and follow His way. Win from the beginning.
How is this about Christmas?
Yes, I realize this doesn’t seem like a Christmas message, but it is. He came to earth, born in a manger as a baby because He knew the troubles of life. He came to rescue us once again, and even more, take us to be with Him always. Only problem is we have to put Him in our game, or we can’t win.
This year for Christmas give Jesus something back. Give Him the gift of gratitude, praise, and love. He’s been good all year… well always.
Oh, and by the way, today Denver lost. I wonder what the media will say about this next week?
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